Award winning Physiotherapy

We offer a full range of physio services

Back / neck pain

Neck pain

Neck pain can really influence us mentally and physically, it can be also exhausting. There are numerous reasons for neck pain and more often than not it can be multi factorial. Some of the following structures can be the source of pain; facet joints, discs, muscles and nerves. People can suffer neck pain after bad night’s sleep or from trauma such as a sporting incident or an road traffic accident, for example whiplash.

At Fingal Physiotherapy we have done postgraduate training in Whiplash Associated Disorders and Neck Rehab. We understand how debilitating it can be and how it can affect your day. Following a details discussion and physical examination we will select from a range of treatment options to decrease your pain and getting your feeling great again.

Back pain 

Up to 80 % of the human population may suffer at least one episode of back pain in their lifetime. The source of this discomfort can be from a range of structures such as discs, facet joints, ligaments and nerves however people can also suffer from non-specific low back pain that can be re occurring and which have a range of contributing factors. At Fingal Physiotherapy we have extensive experience working with low back pain and with a range of populations, including high levels athletes. We will conduct an indebt examination, breakdown your possible causes to your back pain, and together put a detailed plan to relive your pain, and  get you back doing the things you want to do. We will decrease the debilitating nature back pain can be having on you.

Tendon injuries 

Tendons are all over our body, they attach muscle to bone. The larger ones include the Achilles tendon, patella tendon of the knee, glute medius tendon of the hip common extensor tendon of the elbow and the rotator cuff tendon of the shoulder. You may have heard the following terms: Achillies tendinitis. Tendinosis, patella tendinopathy, supraspinatus tendinitis, golfers elbow, or even tennis elbow. Tendons injuries can be complex. They can be because of overuse, underuse or direct trauma. In a nutshell one size does not fit all and tendon injuries require an indebt analysis and extensively monitored, and progressive treatment plan. We have a range of treatment options, including personalised and monitored exercise programs, Extracorporeal Shockwave therapy (EWST), acupuncture and dry needling, manual therapy, and referral for injection (if appropriate, we work closely with local GPs and consultants who can administer these. ).


There are numerous different types of headaches but there are also numerous causes to a headache. Headaches can be the result of a high levels of stress, sitting for long periods, tight muscles and stiff facet joints of the cervical spine. They can radiate to one side of the head include to all the way to above your eye/s. At Final physiotherapy we understand how these can affect your day. We will conduct a indebt physical assessment following a detailed discussion. We first try eliminating possible contributing factors. We have a range of treatment modalities including manual therapy, soft / fascial massage, relaxation techniques, acupuncture and dry needling and therapeutic exercises to see you on the way to pain free days.

TMJ dysfunction ( Temporomandibular dysfunction )

TMJ dysfunction is a disorder that effects our jaw. It can result in pain around the ear, temple, jaw and even contribute to headaches and neck pain. Some people suffer from clicking, popping and grinding noises when they move their jaw and even locking of the jaw. The pain can be worse when you are stressed and can affect your sleep.

At Fingal Physiotherapy we have experience working in isolated TMJ clinics and therefore have advanced exposure and experience treating the condition. We empathise will you and how frustrating all these pains can be. We aim to have a detailed discussion on how it is affecting your day and consider every possible factor that could be contributing to it. Often there are other structures such as the joints on the base of your skull that can be manipulated and treated that will also relieve your pain. Following a detailed examination, we will be able to put on place a treatment plan for you to cover all contributing factors to your pain. This can include manual therapy, relaxation techniques, acupuncture and dry needling.

Shoulder pain

Did you know that shoulder pain can affect almost 25 % of adults. As we use are arms for almost all daily tasks, this can have a profound effect to go about our day to day lives. Along with pain people can also suffer from the feeling of weakness, limited mobility such as not being able to put your jacket on, stiffness or tightness around the should, and even disturbed sleep.

Shoulder pain has several potential causes with rotator cuff injuries being one of the most common. However, there are other sources of shoulder pain such as :

Rotator cuff tears, labral tears, tendinopathies, bursitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis.

Following a detailed discussion, we can get to the root of what could be causing your shoulder pain, which is the first step to in trying to alleviate it. We have a range of evidence-based treatment options for everyone, which aims to reduce pain, increase mobility of the neck, shoulder and spine where needed, and strengthen your muscles to increase your ability to do the things you want to do and even better.

Sciatic pain 

Sciatic pain or sciatica can be pain down the legs or to the buttocks. It can a be sharp, stingy or even burning type sensation, which may be coming from irritation of your sciatic nerve. At Fingal Physiotherapy we have an indebt knowledge of this condition and know how debilitating it can be on people. It can affect approximately 40 % of people at some point in their lives.  We will help identify the root cause of this pain and we use a evidence based practice and best practice guidelines to treat this pain.

Common cause of sciatica are

  • Lumbar Herniated Disc
  • Piriformis Syndrome
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
  • Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Pre / post surgery physio 

Fingal Physiotherapy specialises in preoperative physiotherapy services. We come from a sports medicine background and pride ourselves in achieving the best possible result for your presentation.

Prehab is a proactive approach to someone’s injury or surgery. Through personalised and evidenced based physiotherapy and strength and conditioning before surgery we increase your success post-surgery. This can include decreasing recovery times and increasing your readiness to return to doing the things you want to do, and most importantly enhance your overall well-being. Prehab can also reduce your pain and increase your function and ability to go about your day-to-day activities. At Fingal physiotherapy we use the most up-to-date technologies, including motion and sensory software, to assess and monitor your progress. We can track you right the way through before and after your surgery. Please contact the team of our athletic pathways should they be of interest to you.

Pre- and Post-Operation Rehab

Research has shown that physiotherapy prior to an operation can significantly increase the success and outcome after various types of operations. At Fingal Physiotherapy we have extensive experience in helping our patients return to desired sport or level of function post operation. The following list are some of the more common presentations that we particularly help with, however please don’t hesitate to contact us if your surgery is not listed below:

Ankle surgeries, fracture fixations, ACL or meniscal surgeries, knee arthroscopy, total / partial knee replacements, hip arthroscopy, labral repair, Total hip replacements, spinal surgeries, shoulder replacements, rotator cuff repair and shoulder stabilisation.

Foot and ankle pain 

Foot pain can stem from various sources, such as Plantar Fasciitis, Bunions: Metatarsalgia: Stress Fractures: Flat Feet: High Arches: Hammertoes: Tarsal tunnel syndrome: Morton’s Neuroma and from ankle sprains. Did you know that up between 40-70% of the population will re injury their ankle after their first injury. Attending physiotherapy ASAP after an injury can help prevent this. We will get to the source of you pain, identify contributing factors and depending on your goals we have a range of advanced technologies we can use to advance and excel your rehab.

Knee pain  

There are various structures within the knee that can cause pain, however in the majority of cases rehab and strengthening can help. Diagnoses of knee pain can include O.A, meniscal tear, tendon or muscle injury, patella femoral pain, chondromalacia or ligament injuries. At Fingal Physiotherapy we have experts who can diagnose the source of your pain and if appropriate refer you for onward imaging. We will put in place a plan to decrease your pain, build your strength and return you to doing the things your want to do. 

Hip pain  


Hip pain can develop with sedentary people and high-level athletes. The source of symptoms in the hips can be referred from the back, or even the Sacroiliac joints. The experts at Fingal Physiotherapy with conduct an indebt assessment to identify the source of your hip pain. Diagnoses include O.A, Hip flexors injuries, glute injury, or FAI. In order to relive your pain an accurate diagnoses needs to be made and then we will implement a personalise program for you to decrease your pain and get you back well on the road to recovery.

Work related injuries

Unfortunately, our spines and body were not made to sit still for 8 hours day. However, this is what is required for a lot of us to get through the workday which can result in Work Related Disorders (WRD). This can be tension, burning pain, constant aches across our shoulder and backs, and even pins and needles and numbness. Through and indebt discussion and physical examination we at Fingal Physiotherapy, can identify what could be causing your symptoms, use a variety of treatment methods to decrease your pain and increase your strength and ability to get through the working day. We will put in place changes to prevent your discomfort returning.

Sports injuries

At Fingal Physiotherapy we have a background in Sports Medicine and extensive experience working with sports injuries. We use evidence-based practice in all our assessment, treatment and rehab techniques. We start of the art facilities and technologies to assess your injury and monitor your progress to return to play ASAP.


Arthritis is condition that can gradually develop over time. It is usually characterised by stiff and painful joints, which may also make a noise as they move. Some people experience swelling and certainly notice pain when there is a change int eh whether.  When symptoms get sever a person’s activity of daily living can seriously be affected. There are different types of arthritis with osteoarthritis being quire common. This can be diagnosed by a physiotherapist or doctor and a imaging can usually confirm it. Exercise Therapy is usually a good place to start with Arthritis. At Fingal Physiotherapy we will assess what is suitable for your, depending on your discomfort and ability. We have range or options to relive any discomfort if needed, including acupuncture.

More ….

  • Posture Issues
  • Muscle Strains
  • Fractures
  • Whiplash
  • Arthritis
  • Nerve injuries
  • Spinal issues
  • Bulging and Herniated Discs
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Ulnar collateral ligament (UCL)
  • Tendinopathies / tendinitis / tendinosis
  • Tennis elbow / golfers elbow
  • Olecranon bursitis
  • Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
  • De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis:
  • Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFJP)
  • Fat pad disorders
  • Chronic pain
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